Science Trivia and Answers

Learning is more fun when you don’t realize you’re being taught. That is the philosophy behind our Science Trivia. On one hand you’re testing your knowledge base in a completely stress-free environment, and on the other you could walk away with a better understanding of the subjects discussed. Wait - you’re already a master of science? Well that pleases us also. TriviaQN is all about presenting trivia that can enjoyed by participants on all levels!

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What temperature can the sun reach?

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Answer: 15 million degrees Fahrenheit


Diamonds are made up almost entirely of what element?

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Answer: Carbon
Scientists speculate that diamonds originated from carbon dioxide atoms 100 miles below the Earth's surface more than a billion years ago.


How many hearts does an octopus have?

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Answer: 3
Octopuses have three hearts; two branchial hearts that pump blood through each of the gills. The third heart is a systemic heart that pumps blood through the whole body.


What does NASA stand for?

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Answer: National Aeronautics and Space Administration


What is a meteor called when it reaches Earth's surface?

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Answer: Meteorite
Millions of materials from space enter Earths atmosphere everyday, but most is burned up before it reaches Earth's surface. The heat caused by friction is what causes Meteorite's to glow in the sky.


What is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men?

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Answer: Prostate
There are more than 200,000 cases of prostate cancer in the U.S. alone. It mostly effects men over the age of 60.

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