Trivia Questions and Answers

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What is the name of the fictional town in Indiana in which "Parks and Recreation" is set?

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Answer: Pawnee
The depiction of Pawnee on maps in "Parks and Recreation" is actually a flipped version of the real-life Muncie, Indiana.


How many days of Christmas are there?

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Answer: 12
The Christmas season, as told by the famous carol, encompasses 12 days.


Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?

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Answer: Michelangelo
The Sistine Chapel ceiling was painted between 1508 and 1512. The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was built within the Vatican, named after Pop Sixtus IV.


When was the first known picture of a Christmas tree printed?

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Answer: 1570
The first known picture of a Christmas tree is from a pamphlet dating back to 1570.


What part of the world do most Valentine's Day roses in the United States actually originate from?

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Answer: South America
These flowers come primarily from the South American countries of Colombia and Ecuador.


Which one of Star Fox's teammates has been deemed one of the most-annoying videogame characters ever?

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Answer: Slippy Toad
Slippy Toad may suck as a fighter and often needs help during melees, but he's invaluable as the Star Fox Team's mechanic and inventor.


In what year did US President Barack Obama host violinist Joshua Bell, cellist Alisa Weilerstein and other notable classical musicians in the White House to celebrate 'Classical Music Day'?

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Answer: 2009
On 4 November 2009, the White House hosted Joshua Bell, Alisa Weilerstein and a couple of other contemporary classical musicians who not only performed in celebration of 'Classical Music Day' but also held workshops for aspiring young musicians.


The color red best portrays which of the following in Halloween?

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Answer: Fire, Demons, and Blood
The color red, in Halloween is used to represent fire, demons and blood.

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Where Trivia Comes From

Trivia, the word, comes from the Latin word trivialis. The modern usage of the word is fairly recent, and is the noun form of the word trivial. Trivia, by definition, means small factors or tidbits of information that are usually useless (or trivial) in nature.

Trivia or Fact

The difference between trivia and facts is quite trivial. Generally, trivia is considered to be a type of fact. Facts are statements of truth that can regard any number of broad or specific categories. Trivia, though, is usually considered to be more useless tidbits or facts that you don't really need to know.

So wait, trivia isn't always a question? Not necessarily. Trivia questions are a form of trivia that come in the form of questions, much like a quiz. Trivia questions are much more fun than just reading factoids. It gives the reader a chance to test their knowledge of useless facts, sometimes with a range of multiple choice options.

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