Math Trivia and Answers

Math Trivia brings the fun into math problems. TriviaQN has a range of math trivia for beginners and the elite. Math trivia can be a part of family game night and even help to brush up on your math skills.

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What is the sum of the angles of a triangle?

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Answer: 180 degrees
The angles of a triangle always sum to 180 degrees.


How many obvious/trivial factors does a natural number N have?

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Answer: 4 trivial factors.
The positive +1 and +N and the negative -1 and -N.


Which mathematician published more total pages of mathematics during his lifetime than any other mathematician in history?

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Answer: Leonhard Euler.
Swiss-born Euler is held to be one of the greatest mathematicians in history. He made pioneering contributions to several branches of mathematics and introduced much of the modern mathematical terminology and notation.


Which mathematician published more papers during his lifetime that any other mathematician in history?

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Answer: Paul Erdős
Erdős published at least 1,525 mathematical papers during his lifetime. He engaged more than 500 collaborators and devoted most of his time to mathematics up until his death in 1996 at the age of 83 years old.


What Erdős number does Pierre-Simon Laplace have?

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Answer: Pierre-Simon Laplace has an Erdős number of at most 14!
According to "The Erdös number project" a path to Laplace was found by Leonid Yanushevich giving the famous mathematician an Erdös number of at most 14.


Which mathematician has an Erdős number of zero (0)?

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Answer: Paul Erdős, of course!
As the Erdős number describes the "collaborative distance" in authorship of mathematical papers between mathematician Paul Erdős and another person it is only natural that Paul Erdős holds this position.

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