Complete Trivia Question List


In which year was Tiger Woods named the PGA Tour Rookie of the Year?

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Answer: 1996
In 1996 Golf legend, Tiger Woods was judged as the PGA Tour Rookie of the Year. He also received the Sports Illustrated's Sportsman of the Year Award.


Which videogame is generally considered to be the original third-person shooter?

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Answer: Wolfenstein 3D
"Wolfenstein 3D" is credited with being the original first-person shooter, though games using a similar point-of-view date as far back as 1973 with a program called "Maze Wars" developed for students of NASA.


Which character in the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" bets that Andy would be the first to crack on his first night in the Shawshank prison?

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Answer: Red
Red took out a bet with the other inmates that Andy was going to crack on his first night inside.


In the movie "The Wizard of Oz", what did the Scarecrow want from the wizard?

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Answer: Brain
Every character in "The Wizard of Oz" wanted something different from the Wizard.


What is Andy Dufresne's prison number in the movie "The Shawshank Redemption"?

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Answer: 37927
Andy was assigned the 37927 as his prison number.


The Devil's Night refers to which day?

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Answer: October 30th
The 30th of October, thus the eve of Halloween is often referred to as the Devil's Night. The Devil's Night began in the 1940s and it is usually associated with very mild acts of vandalism and mischief in some communities.


Kenneth Edmonds is the legal name of which prominent music artist?

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Answer: Babyface
Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds decades of putting forth hit music as a singer, songwriter and producer has earned him over 10 Grammy Awards.


What is a natural Christmas tree a good source of?

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Answer: Vitamin C
Christmas trees are a good source of Vitamin C.


Traditionally, at what time of the day on April Fool's Day is all joking to cease?

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Answer: 12:00 PM
All joking and hoaxing are to stop by 12:00 pm on 1 April. If not, in some countries the person pulling the prank is rather seen as a fool than the person tricked by it.


What is the medical term for low blood sugar?

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Answer: Hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar, which is the body's main source of energy.


What did Andy say his favorite passage of the Bible is in the movie "The Shawshank Redemption"?

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Answer: Mark 13:35
When asked by Warden Norton about his favorite chapter in the Bible, Andy responded that it is Mark 13: 35- "Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh,…"


What is the average amount of time a player of "Fortnite" spends enjoying the game weekly?

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Answer: 6-10 hours
A 2018 survey of 1000 "Fortnite" players revealed that 33% of them spend 6 to 10 hours a week playing the game.


In which American city is Wall Street located?

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Answer: New York City
Located in Lower Manhattan, New York City, Wall Street is considered America's financial center.


The Haymarket Affair, which is widely considered to be the event which led to May Day becoming the international event known as International Workers Day, occurred in which country?

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Answer: United States
The bloody Haymarket Affair was a riot that took place in Chicago (United States) in 1886. This incident was founded in labor demonstrations.


Before taking on the moniker of Golden State in 1971, the Warriors' franchise was named after which California city?

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Answer: San Francisco
From 1962 to 1971, this franchise was known as the San Francisco Warriors after relocating to that city from Philadelphia.


According to the prophecy, who was the other person besides Harry Potter who could possibly vanquish Lord Voldemort?

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Answer: Neville Longbottom
According to the prophecy either Harry's or Neville Longbottom had the power to vanquish Lord Voldemort.

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